{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../../../../srcts/src/components/_utils.ts", "../../../../srcts/src/components/_shinyResizeObserver.ts", "../../../../srcts/src/components/sidebar.ts"], "sourcesContent": ["import type { HtmlDep } from \"rstudio-shiny/srcts/types/src/shiny/render\";\n\nimport type { InputBinding as InputBindingType } from \"rstudio-shiny/srcts/types/src/bindings/input\";\n\n// Exclude undefined from T\ntype NotUndefined = T extends undefined ? never : T;\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention\nconst InputBinding = (\n window.Shiny ? Shiny.InputBinding : class {}\n) as typeof InputBindingType;\n\nfunction registerBinding(\n inputBindingClass: new () => InputBindingType,\n name: string\n): void {\n if (window.Shiny) {\n Shiny.inputBindings.register(new inputBindingClass(), \"bslib.\" + name);\n }\n}\n\n// Return true if the key exists on the object and the value is not undefined.\n//\n// This method is mainly used in input bindings' `receiveMessage` method.\n// Since we know that the values are sent by Shiny via `{jsonlite}`,\n// then we know that there are no `undefined` values. `null` is possible, but not `undefined`.\nfunction hasDefinedProperty<\n Prop extends keyof X,\n X extends { [key: string]: any }\n>(\n obj: X,\n prop: Prop\n): obj is X & { [key in NonNullable]: NotUndefined } {\n return (\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop) && obj[prop] !== undefined\n );\n}\n\n// TODO: Shiny should trigger resize events when the output\n// https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/pull/3682\nfunction doWindowResizeOnElementResize(el: HTMLElement): void {\n if ($(el).data(\"window-resize-observer\")) {\n return;\n }\n const resizeEvent = new Event(\"resize\");\n const ro = new ResizeObserver(() => {\n window.dispatchEvent(resizeEvent);\n });\n ro.observe(el);\n $(el).data(\"window-resize-observer\", ro);\n}\n\nfunction getAllFocusableChildren(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement[] {\n // Cross-referenced with https://allyjs.io/data-tables/focusable.html\n const base = [\n \"a[href]\",\n \"area[href]\",\n \"button\",\n \"details summary\",\n \"input\",\n \"iframe\",\n \"select\",\n \"textarea\",\n '[contentEditable=\"\"]',\n '[contentEditable=\"true\"]',\n '[contentEditable=\"TRUE\"]',\n \"[tabindex]\",\n ];\n const modifiers = [':not([tabindex=\"-1\"])', \":not([disabled])\"];\n const selectors = base.map((b) => b + modifiers.join(\"\"));\n const focusable = el.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(\", \"));\n return Array.from(focusable) as HTMLElement[];\n}\n\nexport {\n InputBinding,\n registerBinding,\n hasDefinedProperty,\n doWindowResizeOnElementResize,\n getAllFocusableChildren,\n};\nexport type { HtmlDep };\n", "/**\n * A resize observer that ensures Shiny outputs resize during or just after\n * their parent container size changes. Useful, in particular, for sidebar\n * transitions or for full-screen card transitions.\n *\n * @class ShinyResizeObserver\n * @typedef {ShinyResizeObserver}\n */\nclass ShinyResizeObserver {\n /**\n * The actual ResizeObserver instance.\n * @private\n * @type {ResizeObserver}\n */\n private resizeObserver: ResizeObserver;\n /**\n * An array of elements that are currently being watched by the Resize\n * Observer.\n *\n * @details\n * We don't currently have lifecycle hooks that allow us to unobserve elements\n * when they are removed from the DOM. As a result, we need to manually check\n * that the elements we're watching still exist in the DOM. This array keeps\n * track of the elements we're watching so that we can check them later.\n * @private\n * @type {HTMLElement[]}\n */\n private resizeObserverEntries: HTMLElement[];\n\n /**\n * Watch containers for size changes and ensure that Shiny outputs and\n * htmlwidgets within resize appropriately.\n *\n * @details\n * The ShinyResizeObserver is used to watch the containers, such as Sidebars\n * and Cards for size changes, in particular when the sidebar state is toggled\n * or the card body is expanded full screen. It performs two primary tasks:\n *\n * 1. Dispatches a `resize` event on the window object. This is necessary to\n * ensure that Shiny outputs resize appropriately. In general, the window\n * resizing is throttled and the output update occurs when the transition\n * is complete.\n * 2. If an output with a resize method on the output binding is detected, we\n * directly call the `.onResize()` method of the binding. This ensures that\n * htmlwidgets transition smoothly. In static mode, htmlwidgets does this\n * already.\n *\n * @note\n * This resize observer also handles race conditions in some complex\n * fill-based layouts with multiple outputs (e.g., plotly), where shiny\n * initializes with the correct sizing, but in-between the 1st and last\n * renderValue(), the size of the output containers can change, meaning every\n * output but the 1st gets initialized with the wrong size during their\n * renderValue(). Then, after the render phase, shiny won't know to trigger a\n * resize since all the widgets will return to their original size (and thus,\n * Shiny thinks there isn't any resizing to do). The resize observer works\n * around this by ensuring that the output is resized whenever its container\n * size changes.\n * @constructor\n */\n constructor() {\n this.resizeObserverEntries = [];\n this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {\n const resizeEvent = new Event(\"resize\");\n window.dispatchEvent(resizeEvent);\n\n // the rest of this callback is only relevant in Shiny apps\n if (!window.Shiny) return;\n\n const resized = [] as HTMLElement[];\n\n for (const entry of entries) {\n if (!(entry.target instanceof HTMLElement)) continue;\n if (!entry.target.querySelector(\".shiny-bound-output\")) continue;\n\n entry.target\n .querySelectorAll(\".shiny-bound-output\")\n .forEach((el) => {\n if (resized.includes(el)) return;\n\n const { binding, onResize } = $(el).data(\"shinyOutputBinding\");\n if (!binding || !binding.resize) return;\n\n // if this output is owned by another observer, skip it\n const owner = (el as any).shinyResizeObserver;\n if (owner && owner !== this) return;\n // mark this output as owned by this shinyResizeObserver instance\n if (!owner) (el as any).shinyResizeObserver = this;\n\n // trigger immediate resizing of outputs with a resize method\n onResize(el);\n // only once per output and resize event\n resized.push(el);\n\n // set plot images to 100% width temporarily during the transition\n if (!el.classList.contains(\"shiny-plot-output\")) return;\n const img = el.querySelector(\n 'img:not([width=\"100%\"])'\n );\n if (img) img.setAttribute(\"width\", \"100%\");\n });\n }\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Observe an element for size changes.\n * @param {HTMLElement} el - The element to observe.\n */\n observe(el: HTMLElement): void {\n this.resizeObserver.observe(el);\n this.resizeObserverEntries.push(el);\n }\n\n /**\n * Stop observing an element for size changes.\n * @param {HTMLElement} el - The element to stop observing.\n */\n unobserve(el: HTMLElement): void {\n const idxEl = this.resizeObserverEntries.indexOf(el);\n if (idxEl < 0) return;\n\n this.resizeObserver.unobserve(el);\n this.resizeObserverEntries.splice(idxEl, 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * This method checks that we're not continuing to watch elements that no\n * longer exist in the DOM. If any are found, we stop observing them and\n * remove them from our array of observed elements.\n *\n * @private\n * @static\n */\n flush(): void {\n this.resizeObserverEntries.forEach((el) => {\n if (!document.body.contains(el)) this.unobserve(el);\n });\n }\n}\n\nexport { ShinyResizeObserver };\n", "import { InputBinding, registerBinding } from \"./_utils\";\nimport { ShinyResizeObserver } from \"./_shinyResizeObserver\";\n\n/**\n * Methods for programmatically toggling the state of the sidebar. These methods\n * describe the desired state of the sidebar: `\"close\"` and `\"open\"` transition\n * the sidebar to the desired state, unless the sidebar is already in that\n * state. `\"toggle\"` transitions the sidebar to the state opposite of its\n * current state.\n * @typedef {SidebarToggleMethod}\n */\ntype SidebarToggleMethod = \"close\" | \"open\" | \"toggle\";\n\n/**\n * Data received by the input binding's `receiveMessage` method.\n * @typedef {SidebarMessageData}\n */\ntype SidebarMessageData = {\n method: SidebarToggleMethod;\n};\n\n/**\n * The DOM elements that make up the sidebar. `main`, `sidebar`, and `toggle`\n * are all direct children of `container` (in that order).\n * @interface SidebarComponents\n * @typedef {SidebarComponents}\n */\ninterface SidebarComponents {\n /**\n * The `layout_sidebar()` parent container, with class\n * `Sidebar.classes.LAYOUT`.\n * @type {HTMLElement}\n */\n container: HTMLElement;\n /**\n * The main content area of the sidebar layout.\n * @type {HTMLElement}\n */\n main: HTMLElement;\n /**\n * The sidebar container of the sidebar layout.\n * @type {HTMLElement}\n */\n sidebar: HTMLElement;\n /**\n * The toggle button that is used to toggle the sidebar state.\n * @type {HTMLElement}\n */\n toggle: HTMLElement;\n}\n\n/**\n * The bslib sidebar component class. This class is only used for collapsible\n * sidebars.\n *\n * @class Sidebar\n * @typedef {Sidebar}\n */\nclass Sidebar {\n /**\n * The DOM elements that make up the sidebar, see `SidebarComponents`.\n * @private\n * @type {SidebarComponents}\n */\n private layout: SidebarComponents;\n\n /**\n * A Shiny-specific resize observer that ensures Shiny outputs in the main\n * content areas of the sidebar resize appropriately.\n * @private\n * @type {ShinyResizeObserver}\n * @static\n */\n private static shinyResizeObserver = new ShinyResizeObserver();\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of a collapsible bslib Sidebar.\n * @constructor\n * @param {HTMLElement} container\n */\n constructor(container: HTMLElement) {\n Sidebar.instanceMap.set(container, this);\n this.layout = {\n container,\n main: container.querySelector(\":scope > .main\") as HTMLElement,\n sidebar: container.querySelector(\":scope > .sidebar\") as HTMLElement,\n toggle: container.querySelector(\n \":scope > .collapse-toggle\"\n ) as HTMLElement,\n } as SidebarComponents;\n\n if (!this.layout.toggle) {\n throw new Error(\"Tried to initialize a non-collapsible sidebar.\");\n }\n\n const sideAccordion = this.layout.sidebar.querySelector(\n \":scope > .sidebar-content > .accordion\"\n );\n if (sideAccordion) sideAccordion.classList.add(\"accordion-flush\");\n\n this._initEventListeners();\n this._initSidebarCounters();\n this._initDesktop();\n\n // Start watching the main content area for size changes to ensure Shiny\n // outputs resize appropriately during sidebar transitions.\n Sidebar.shinyResizeObserver.observe(this.layout.main);\n\n container.removeAttribute(\"data-bslib-sidebar-init\");\n const initScript = container.querySelector(\n \":scope > script[data-bslib-sidebar-init]\"\n );\n if (initScript) {\n container.removeChild(initScript);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Read the current state of the sidebar. Note that, when calling this method,\n * the sidebar may be transitioning into the state returned by this method.\n *\n * @description\n * The sidebar state works as follows, starting from the open state. When the\n * sidebar is closed:\n * 1. We add both the `COLLAPSE` and `TRANSITIONING` classes to the sidebar.\n * 2. The sidebar collapse begins to animate. On desktop devices, and where it\n * is supported, we transition the `grid-template-columns` property of the\n * sidebar layout. On mobile, the sidebar is hidden immediately. In both\n * cases, the collapse icon rotates and we use this rotation to determine\n * when the transition is complete.\n * 3. If another sidebar state toggle is requested while closing the sidebar,\n * we remove the `COLLAPSE` class and the animation immediately starts to\n * reverse.\n * 4. When the `transition` is complete, we remove the `TRANSITIONING` class.\n * @readonly\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get isClosed(): boolean {\n return this.layout.container.classList.contains(Sidebar.classes.COLLAPSE);\n }\n\n /**\n * Static classes related to the sidebar layout or state.\n * @public\n * @static\n * @readonly\n * @type {{ LAYOUT: string; COLLAPSE: string; TRANSITIONING: string; }}\n */\n public static readonly classes = {\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention\n LAYOUT: \"bslib-sidebar-layout\",\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention\n COLLAPSE: \"sidebar-collapsed\",\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention\n TRANSITIONING: \"transitioning\",\n };\n\n /**\n * If sidebars are initialized before the DOM is ready, we re-schedule the\n * initialization to occur on DOMContentLoaded.\n * @private\n * @static\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n private static onReadyScheduled = false;\n /**\n * A map of initialized sidebars to their respective Sidebar instances.\n * @private\n * @static\n * @type {WeakMap}\n */\n private static instanceMap: WeakMap = new WeakMap();\n\n /**\n * Given a sidebar container, return the Sidebar instance associated with it.\n * @public\n * @static\n * @param {HTMLElement} el\n * @returns {(Sidebar | undefined)}\n */\n public static getInstance(el: HTMLElement): Sidebar | undefined {\n return Sidebar.instanceMap.get(el);\n }\n\n /**\n * Initialize all collapsible sidebars on the page.\n * @public\n * @static\n * @param {boolean} [flushResizeObserver=true] When `true`, we remove\n * non-existent elements from the ResizeObserver. This is required\n * periodically to prevent memory leaks. To avoid over-checking, we only flush\n * the ResizeObserver when initializing sidebars after page load.\n */\n public static initCollapsibleAll(flushResizeObserver = true): void {\n if (document.readyState === \"loading\") {\n if (!Sidebar.onReadyScheduled) {\n Sidebar.onReadyScheduled = true;\n document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", () => {\n Sidebar.initCollapsibleAll(false);\n });\n }\n return;\n }\n\n const initSelector = `.${Sidebar.classes.LAYOUT}[data-bslib-sidebar-init]`;\n if (!document.querySelector(initSelector)) {\n // no sidebars to initialize\n return;\n }\n\n if (flushResizeObserver) Sidebar.shinyResizeObserver.flush();\n\n const containers = document.querySelectorAll(initSelector);\n containers.forEach((container) => new Sidebar(container as HTMLElement));\n }\n\n /**\n * Initialize event listeners for the sidebar toggle button.\n * @private\n */\n private _initEventListeners(): void {\n const { toggle } = this.layout;\n\n toggle.addEventListener(\"click\", (ev) => {\n ev.preventDefault();\n this.toggle(\"toggle\");\n });\n\n // Remove the transitioning class when the transition ends. We watch the\n // collapse toggle icon because it's guaranteed to transition, whereas the\n // sidebar doesn't animate on mobile (or in browsers where animating\n // grid-template-columns is not supported).\n toggle\n .querySelector(\".collapse-icon\")\n ?.addEventListener(\"transitionend\", () => this._finalizeState());\n }\n\n /**\n * Initialize nested sidebar counters.\n *\n * @description\n * This function walks up the DOM tree, adding CSS variables to each direct\n * parent sidebar layout that count the layout's position in the stack of\n * nested layouts. We use these counters to keep the collapse toggles from\n * overlapping. Note that always-open sidebars that don't have collapse\n * toggles break the chain of nesting.\n * @private\n */\n private _initSidebarCounters(): void {\n const { container } = this.layout;\n\n const selectorChildLayouts =\n `.${Sidebar.classes.LAYOUT}` +\n \"> .main > \" +\n `.${Sidebar.classes.LAYOUT}:not([data-bslib-sidebar-open=\"always\"])`;\n\n const isInnermostLayout =\n container.querySelector(selectorChildLayouts) === null;\n\n if (!isInnermostLayout) {\n // There are sidebar layouts nested within this layout; defer to children\n return;\n }\n\n function nextSidebarParent(el: HTMLElement | null): HTMLElement | null {\n el = el ? el.parentElement : null;\n if (el && el.classList.contains(\"main\")) {\n // .bslib-sidebar-layout > .main > .bslib-sidebar-layout\n el = el.parentElement;\n }\n if (el && el.classList.contains(Sidebar.classes.LAYOUT)) {\n return el;\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n const layouts = [container];\n let parent = nextSidebarParent(container);\n\n while (parent) {\n // Add parent to front of layouts array, so we sort outer -> inner\n layouts.unshift(parent);\n parent = nextSidebarParent(parent);\n }\n\n const count = { left: 0, right: 0 };\n layouts.forEach(function (x: HTMLElement, i: number): void {\n x.style.setProperty(\"--bslib-sidebar-counter\", i.toString());\n const isRight = x.classList.contains(\"sidebar-right\");\n const thisCount = isRight ? count.right++ : count.left++;\n x.style.setProperty(\n \"--bslib-sidebar-overlap-counter\",\n thisCount.toString()\n );\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Initialize the sidebar's initial state when `open = \"desktop\"`.\n * @private\n */\n private _initDesktop(): void {\n const { container } = this.layout;\n // If sidebar is marked open='desktop'...\n if (container.dataset.bslibSidebarOpen?.trim() !== \"desktop\") {\n return;\n }\n\n // then close sidebar on mobile\n const initCollapsed = window\n .getComputedStyle(container)\n .getPropertyValue(\"--bslib-sidebar-js-init-collapsed\");\n\n if (initCollapsed.trim() === \"true\") {\n this.toggle(\"close\");\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Toggle the sidebar's open/closed state.\n * @public\n * @param {SidebarToggleMethod | undefined} method Whether to `\"open\"`,\n * `\"close\"` or `\"toggle\"` the sidebar. If `.toggle()` is called without an\n * argument, it will toggle the sidebar's state.\n */\n public toggle(method: SidebarToggleMethod | undefined): void {\n if (typeof method === \"undefined\") {\n method = \"toggle\";\n }\n\n const { container, sidebar } = this.layout;\n const isClosed = this.isClosed;\n\n if ([\"open\", \"close\", \"toggle\"].indexOf(method) === -1) {\n throw new Error(`Unknown method ${method}`);\n }\n\n if (method === \"toggle\") {\n method = isClosed ? \"open\" : \"close\";\n }\n\n if ((isClosed && method === \"close\") || (!isClosed && method === \"open\")) {\n // nothing to do, sidebar is already in the desired state\n return;\n }\n\n if (method === \"open\") {\n // unhide sidebar immediately when opening,\n // otherwise the sidebar is hidden on transitionend\n sidebar.hidden = false;\n }\n\n // Add a transitioning class just before adding COLLAPSE_CLASS since we want\n // some of the transitioning styles to apply before the collapse state\n container.classList.add(Sidebar.classes.TRANSITIONING);\n container.classList.toggle(Sidebar.classes.COLLAPSE);\n }\n\n /**\n * When the sidebar open/close transition ends, finalize the sidebar's state.\n * @private\n */\n private _finalizeState(): void {\n const { container, sidebar, toggle } = this.layout;\n container.classList.remove(Sidebar.classes.TRANSITIONING);\n sidebar.hidden = this.isClosed;\n toggle.setAttribute(\"aria-expanded\", this.isClosed ? \"false\" : \"true\");\n\n // Send browser-native event with updated sidebar state\n const event = new CustomEvent(\"bslib.sidebar\", {\n bubbles: true,\n detail: { open: !this.isClosed },\n });\n sidebar.dispatchEvent(event);\n\n // Trigger Shiny input and output binding events\n $(sidebar).trigger(\"toggleCollapse.sidebarInputBinding\");\n $(sidebar).trigger(this.isClosed ? \"hidden\" : \"shown\");\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * A Shiny input binding for a sidebar.\n * @class SidebarInputBinding\n * @typedef {SidebarInputBinding}\n * @extends {InputBinding}\n */\nclass SidebarInputBinding extends InputBinding {\n find(scope: HTMLElement) {\n return $(scope).find(`.${Sidebar.classes.LAYOUT} > .bslib-sidebar-input`);\n }\n\n getValue(el: HTMLElement): boolean {\n const sb = Sidebar.getInstance(el.parentElement as HTMLElement);\n if (!sb) return false;\n return !sb.isClosed;\n }\n\n setValue(el: HTMLElement, value: boolean): void {\n const method = value ? \"open\" : \"close\";\n this.receiveMessage(el, { method });\n }\n\n subscribe(el: HTMLElement, callback: (x: boolean) => void) {\n $(el).on(\n \"toggleCollapse.sidebarInputBinding\",\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n function (event) {\n callback(true);\n }\n );\n }\n\n unsubscribe(el: HTMLElement) {\n $(el).off(\".sidebarInputBinding\");\n }\n\n receiveMessage(el: HTMLElement, data: SidebarMessageData) {\n const sb = Sidebar.getInstance(el.parentElement as HTMLElement);\n if (sb) sb.toggle(data.method);\n }\n}\n\nregisterBinding(SidebarInputBinding, \"sidebar\");\n\n// attach Sidebar class to window for global usage\n(window as any).bslib = (window as any).bslib || {};\n(window as any).bslib.Sidebar = Sidebar;\n"], "mappings": 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